Even a small permanent donation makes a big difference, because it is permanent donors who give seriously ill children and their families the peace of mind that life-saving treatment can begin and continue.
The Tartu University Hospital Children’s Foundation 2025 Campaign has been started.
In today’s economic environment, with rising prices, there are also many permanent donors to the Children’s Foundation who are looking for ways to cut costs in order to make ends meet. In the last six months, nearly 1,000 people have stopped their permanent support. “However, we would ask you to consider before you decide to give up your donation – perhaps you can continue to support us on a smaller scale, even if it’s just a few euros a month? Perhaps someone who has so far doubted its necessity can come to the rescue? Why? Because ill children don’t have a choice – if the state doesn’t yet fund their treatment, the contribution of good people is the only way,” said Siiri Ottender-Paasma, member of the board of the Tartu University Hospital Children’s Foundation. “Every small contribution always becomes a big one, and this contribution helps seriously ill children to live and grow; it helps to wait for the time when the life-saving treatment or medicine they need finally reaches the price list of the Health Insurance Fund,” she added.
The Children’s Foundation supports about 150 children every month, and the number of beneficiaries reaches more than half a thousand per year. “Medicine is developing and new treatments are available almost every day, but unfortunately new treatments are usually so expensive that even families who are doing very well on a day-to-day basis can’t afford them,” says Siiri Ottender-Paasma, adding that it’s hard to imagine how a mother and father feel when they find out that the cost of a life-saving medicine is so high that they can’t afford it themselves. “At that point, we as a community have to decide whether or not to help. But what child doesn’t deserve to live?
At the Children’s Foundation, we believe that “EVERY CHILD COUNTS” and “EVERY DONOR COUNTS”.
Please help us!
You can make a permanent donation on the Children’s Foundation website.
The main campaign was created and distributed by the creative agency Salama (Anu A. Ots and Madis Ots), Dentsu Estonia (Maarja Harju), Carat Eesti, Orbital Vox Studios, Ivo Uukkivi, Kaiko Lipsmäe (animation), Maret Põldre (design) and many media and other supporters: Sky Plus, Retro FM, Relax FM, Kiss FM, Rock FM, Elmar, MyHits, Kuku, Raadio Duo, Star FM, Power, Star FM Eesti, Raadio Kadi, Artist Indoor Radio, Äripäev Raadio, Tre Raadio, Ring FM, Õhtuleht, Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees, Naisteleht, Teleleht, Tiiu, Säde, Imeline Teadus, Imeline Ajalugu, Home & Garden, Diivan, TM Kodu & Ehitus, Minu Aed, Tehnikamaailm, Kodutohter, Kodukiri, Handicraft, Autoleht, Autoleht Ekstra, Digigeenius, Kroonika, JCDecaux, Prisma Net, Megameedia, Bus Advertising, Dscreens, Digiposter, Movemedia, Siris, PMG TV, TV3 Group, Delfi, Äripäev, Tartu Kaubamaja.