Permanent donation is the easiest and most convenient way to help children consistently.


The Children’s Foundation helps nearly hundreds of children fighting with severe illnesses each month. To ensure these children and their families the consistent support and reassurance, we need the help of good people who donate to the Foundation monthly. Our goal is to support as many children and families facing a severe illness. These children don’t only need support during a campaign, they need it every single day. That’s why we are especially grateful to the people, that support the Children’s Foundation regularly and consistently – our permanent donators.

If you too would like to help consistently, then you are welcome to join the Children’s Foundation’s community of permanent donators!

What does a permanent donation mean?

A permanent donator is someone who has decided to support the Children’s Foundation every month with a predetermined amount of money, and has signed a standing order contract in their home bank,  which can be cancelled at any time using their online banking service. The amount, and the date of the donation is selected by the donator, and it will be transfered to the Children’s Foundation’s account once a month.

As of today, there are nearly 1000 big-hearted permanent donators in our communitywho do one small good deed after another.

The easiest way to become a permanent donator, is to sign a standing order contract (in Estonian) through our web page.

Income tax incentives

The Tartu University Hospital Children’s Foundation is included in the list of organisations with income tax relief, which means that private individuals can claim income tax back on their donations. The personal identification number of the donor and the amount of the donation are forwarded by the Foundation to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (EMTA) and are reflected in the pre-filled income tax return.

When you make a bank transfer, please include your personal identification number (usually added automatically by the bank) as an explanation, which will ensure that your donation is forwarded to the Tax and Customs Board and will be reflected in the pre-filled income tax return and you can claim back the income tax.

To reclaim income tax on telephone donations, the donor must send their first name, surname, personal identification number and the telephone bill on which the donation is reflected to Doing so by 31 January at the latest will be included in your pre-filled tax return.

Companies should note that the amount donated is tax deductible up to 10% of the annual profit or 3% of the amount taxable for social tax, at the option of the company. The data will be forwarded to the Tax and Customs Board by 1 February of the year following the financial year.

Read about other support options.